Friday, February 8, 2013

Long Sox Fit ME is better than Long Sox Fitness

as a young, young girl, about a year ago, i started a blog commenting on my friend's fitness blog. 
today, i emerge a blogging butterfly with a fitness blog of my own!

some question whether i have the skills to inspire the testosterone nation the way my pal Jimmay did with his Long Sox Fitness blog... some question if there is such a thing as too much electrolytes... 
the answer is ALWAYS "yes!"

let's face it, fitness-fiends, you come to blogs when you're super bored, with nothing to do and nowhere to go, on a rainy Monday afternoon, when work sucks, and all you want to do is complain about it on Facebook, but you already did that first thing in the morning, so here you are... 

now that you feel your self-esteem is at an all time high (thanks to this blog), you will return for more next time!
but for now, here is a cliche motivational poster inspired by GoPro commercials:

glad tidings of awesomeness, 