i'm glad you decided to run another (half) marathon, despite all the reasons you listed not to. but just so you know, when painin', you can always turn to j-z's "fluffy sox fitness."
(btw, j-z is not our band, it's another j in my life)
so what kind of fitness can you do while wearing comfy fluffy sox? i know what you're thinking, and you're right, breastfeeding is not a sport. but neither is fluffy sox hot yoga, and madonna and enrique iglesias rave about it every day! anyway, straight from the slutty mouth of j, some fluffy sox fitness ideas include knitting, cat petting, barfing with the flu (really, the easiest way to lose that winter chunk), making stew, and needlepoint. it's those little things that work out those often forgotten body parts, like fingers and eyes. and nobody wants to see limp fingers, trust me.
keep on keeping on,
i'm glad you decided to run another (half) marathon, despite all the reasons you listed not to. but just so you know, when painin', you can always turn to j-z's "fluffy sox fitness."
(btw, j-z is not our band, it's another j in my life)
so what kind of fitness can you do while wearing comfy fluffy sox? i know what you're thinking, and you're right, breastfeeding is not a sport. but neither is fluffy sox hot yoga, and madonna and enrique iglesias rave about it every day! anyway, straight from the slutty mouth of j, some fluffy sox fitness ideas include knitting, cat petting, barfing with the flu (really, the easiest way to lose that winter chunk), making stew, and needlepoint. it's those little things that work out those often forgotten body parts, like fingers and eyes. and nobody wants to see limp fingers, trust me.
keep on keeping on,